The Future of Syria

Another Devastation Piling on Already Challenging Crisis
Weaving the Future of Livelihood by Stephan Dylan
Livelihood Project Collaborated by RefugeeStore and Urban Refugees Assistance Program in Bangkok
Ane Mei and her family walked thousands of kilometers from the mountains in Vietnam, crossing Laos border, and catching a bus from the Northeastern Thailand to Bangkok. Ane used to be able able to sustain a living through the cultivation of agriculture products in Vietnam. But when her land was confiscated by the authorities to paving the way for national economic development to meet the global demands for competitive mass manufacturing of various supply chains, she had no choices but to flee.
Rohingya Crisis by Bert Lee
Situation overview: an interview with the United Nations Migration Agency Representative, Bangladesh
In October 2017, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya ethnic people in Myanmar reached the Bangladesh’s border town of Cox’s Bazar. Hundreds of thousands more would continue to stream across the border in following months until the next year. Read more
Crossing the Mediterranean by Felix Kleymann
Winner of 2019 STERN Grant Photography Award
In his project, “Escaping Death: Syrian Refugees,” German photographer Felix Kleymann documented the current refugee crisis, having posed as a refugee himself in order to be smuggled to Europe in a rubber dinghy. Read more
Earth International Foundation
While innovative humanitarian solutions for sustainable outcomes require participation across various societal sectors, Earth International Foundation is not an affiliate of, does not support, nor does it align with any political and religious group. We are independently funded by our own collaborative livelihood program development. Community involvements enable our activities to meet the following objectives:
Our Mission
Lead innovative change, Foster shared benefits, Build human-development
1. Innovative Livelihood Development
2. Shared Enterprise
3. Human Development
Humanitarian Blog
Have Your Say

- In this edition of Have Your Say, the first of a three-part series on ``Fostering Refugee Livelihood by Empowering Host Community``, we met with the business owners of Olimpiyat Spor Gym, who have offered a life-time gym membership to a young Syrian refugee, Mohammed.